Vegan for Lent—Day 7

Vegan for Lent—Day 7

I voted today. What once took five minutes, took about an hour due to the new electronic ballot system.

The system is ridiculous for so many reasons:

  • There are now two lines, one to check in and one to vote
  • The check in line moves slowly because it’s now electronic and the system is too slow
  • The voting line moves slowly because there are only 5 machines and two are broken
  • I was not asked for ID on check-in, just my name and address. Anyone with my name and address could have received a ballot and voted as me
  • The ballot itself is now a huge piece of paper; about 8.5 x 11 inches. The fuck?
  • The electronic ballot screen is huge—again about the side of a letter-size piece of paper. Anyone can look over your shoulder and see who you’re voting for. AND SOMEONE WAS. One of the volunteers closely monitored me as i was voting to make sure i was doing it correctly.
  • Because everything is so huge, these machines take up more space, which is probably why there are so few of them
  • Instead of a huge gymnasium with 15 or so smaller stations, there are now 5 huge machines in a small room—the same room as the check-ins happen. It was a shitshow.

For my troubles, I got some Impossible Meat from Gelson’s and made Vegan cheeseburger two ways: Classic and Oklahoma Smash.

The Impossible Meat is really well done. It performed and tasted just like a burger. But it is higher in calories than the 94% lean I usually buy. I rarely eat beef anyway, so it’s a non-issue.

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