Vegan for Lent—Day 5

Vegan for Lent—Day 5

I slept like a baby, but had really strange dreams in which everyone hated me and everything I ever did. Upon waking, I did feel lighter, healthier and rock-hard. So fuck everyone; I’m doing something right.

For breakfast, I has Ezekiel sprouted-grain toast with apricot jam. I also had some OJ and a handful of cashews.

While the Ezekiel bread was toasting, I discovered that sprouted grain bread is not completely gluten-free. I decided let go of the gluten restriction as it’s not really eliminating the bread temptation anyway.

I have more Schär gluten-free baguettes and white bread to get through so I’m locked into bread. Besides, it’s easier to eat vegan if bread is allowed. A lot of vegan is veggies on bread. I will maintain spouted and gluten free mix.

Also, beer is not gluten-free, if it’s good beer. If I am cutting out hard liquor, I am having good beer.

Dinner was Israeli style hummus with whole chickpeas and sprouted pita which I ate while watching John Mulaney on SNL. I like him, but the episode was lame—way to many musical numbers.

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